Book reviews are the lifeblood of an author’s book sales. Getting good reviews will help a book to be found on search engines. It will also encourage more people to buy the book.

book reviews

Get reviews for your book

Authors can submit their books for review. Getting book reviews will help your book be more visible to search engines as well as the public.

Review a book

If you have read a book and would like to review it on the ETP Writers Community website, please feel free to do so. Writing a good review for a book is worth a lot to a writer. Not only does it help to drive book sales, it also motivates an author to read positive reviews and know that their work hasn’t gone by unseen. You can search books by genre or by name.

  • Note that to submit a book for review, you have to be a Gold member of ETP Writers Community.
  • To leave a review, you don’t have to be a member. Visitors are also allowed to review books.
  • Both book submissions and reviews are moderated to prevent spam. So it may take up to 48 hours to appear on the website.